Album Covers

Album Covers

Photo albums began as research journals. During the 1830s and 1940s, inventors maintained diaries of their research, which contained photo records of experiments. These were not disclosed, as the contents of the albums were considered classified information. See the In Memoriam project for related works.

Oil on photo album cover, 2022. 32x26cm
Oil and pastels on photo album cover, 2022, 32x26cm
Pastels on photo album cover, 2022, 32x26cm
Oil on photo album cover, 2022, 26x32cm

Stoic Symbol Series

Oil on photo album paper, 2023, 32x26cm
Oil on photo album paper, 2023. 32x26cm
Oil on photo album paper, 2023, 32x26cm

Doctrina Staging 1.1Download

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